October 12, 2023

Your Shipping Dilemmas Solved: Be Secure With Our Innovative SOC Program

Photo for Your Shipping Dilemmas Solved: Be Secure With Our Innovative SOC Program
Navigators of the vast logistics seas, have you ever found yourselves adrift in the challenging tides of unforeseen storage costs and unloading delays? Today, we spotlight a solution that seeks to respond to the pressing queries many of you have shared with us – The Block Logistics’ SOC (Shipper Owner Container) Program.

Understanding Your Voyage

The journey from one port to another isn’t merely moving cargo; it’s ensuring your goods, and therefore your business, are secure and undeterred by unforeseen delays and unexpected costs.

🤔 Question for Reflection

How often have your goods been stranded due to unpredictable unloading delays? What has been the impact on your budget and customer relations?

The Route to a Solution

Navigating your feedback and experiences, The Block Logistics has charted a course toward a solution – our SOC program, crafted to address and alleviate your specific challenges:

  • Adaptable Storage: With up to 90 demurrage–free days, how might this buffer impact your planning and customer commitments?
  • Financial Prudence: Considering no per diem and an attractively low daily rental rate, what could these savings redirect towards within your business?

Empower Your Decision-Making

We’ve mapped out a solution, and the compass points towards adaptable, cost-effective storage and delayed unloading solutions with our SOC Program. But the captain of the ship is you!

🔍 Explore the Possibilities

Consider the avenues of opportunity opened by nationwide storage yards and low-cost container purchasing options. How might owning a container enhance your logistical capabilities and customer promises?

Let’s navigate beyond mere transactions and forge ahead into a future where your logistical needs are met with attuned, innovative solutions. The Block Logistics invites you to anchor your challenges with our SOC Program and set sail towards seamless, empowered logistics solutions.

The Block Logistics sails beside you, as co-navigators, toward a future where your shipping challenges find viable, practical solutions, propelling your business towards new uncharted success.